What We Do

Hanover School Counselors Logo - Manage, Assess, Deliver, Define. Hanover School Counselors "What's best for students"

South Anna’s school counselors provide the following services for kindergarten through fifth-grade students:

  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Classroom lessons addressing academic, career, and social/emotional development
  • Consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, and the overall community

The mission of the South Anna Elementary school counseling department is to foster the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students by providing a comprehensive school counseling program. School counselors employ innovative and varied approaches to address students’ diverse needs, interests, and abilities through school-wide programs, core curriculum lessons, small group counseling, and individual interventions.  The South Anna school counselors regularly evaluate these programs, lessons, and interventions to provide relevant and effective services to students and their families. In seeking to provide the strongest possible support, the school counselors collaborate closely with families, school staff, and community stakeholders to champion equity and opportunity for all students.

Hanover County Public Schools adheres to the American School Counselor Association National Model, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program.

Recognized ASCA Model Program - RAMP logo

Recognized ASCA Model Program

South Anna Elementary School has been named a Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) by the American School Counselor Association. The RAMP designation recognizes schools that are committed to delivering an exemplary comprehensive school counseling program and encourages school counselors nationwide to strive for excellence. Honorees are awarded for aligning their program with criteria outlined in the ASCA national model, a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling so all students can achieve success.

Contact Your School Counselors

Counselors Shelley Cray, and Betsy Yakim

Mrs. Shelley Cray is the full-time school counselor at South Anna Elementary School. You can reach her by calling (804) 749-4222 or via email

Mrs. Betsy Yakim is the part-time counselor at South Anna and is in the building on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You are welcome to call her at (804) 749-4222 or send her an email if you’d like to contact her.

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